We love to tell


Our journey may have just started, but we have been in the planning for a long time. Sit back and relax as you learn how we came about and why we are here.

We launched in 2023 when it was time to put a stop to business management strategies and operations constantly failing. With economic and political pressures, business were facing their biggest challenges in years. In line with our core belief and purpose, we started our mission to empower organisations and business to make positive and sustainable impacts. We are here to empower impact makers to positively and sustainably impact the world.

a picture of the NUPROJEX founder

“I believe that all change should be positive, impactful and sustainable.”

“From as early as I can remember, I have always done what others thought I could not do. I believe that when we do great things and surprise those that underestimate us, they are the most satisfying achievements and usually the greatest.”

“My motivation and purpose for launching NUPROJEX is to challenge the impossible within the world of business management and change consulting. I firmly believe that when we challenge and achieve the impossible as communities not competitors, that is when we are able to change the world. We have so much potential as humans at achieving the impossible on a global scale (as we have already seen throughout history), when we work together and successfully achieve positive and sustainable impact within organisations, industries, and governments. It can be world changing.”

Conor Donnellan, Founder and CEO NUPROJEX

Powered by our core belief, purpose, mission, and values we are ready to empower organisations and business to make positive and sustainable impacts. 

Looking for expert partners to solve your next challenge?

Using our impact model and expertise, we can help you to manage, optimise, accelerate, and sustain your business.

NUPROJEX is a brand name which is operated by NUPROJEX UK Limited registered in England No. 14724174.

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