PMO Setup & Leadership


Setting up a dynamic PMO within the client organisation focussing on change and contract management to handle high demand in an agile environment. 




5,700+ people


1,750,000 GBP




A large European energy organisation had just purchased the industrial and commercial client base from another large European energy company at the same time they were going through a large digital transformation programme which was already two years delayed. The main component of the digital transformation was a new billing system just for industrial and commercial clients. This also meant the new acquired clients also had to be included in the new billing system during the M&A. A PMO was needed to managed delivery.


We spent some time understanding the programme objectives and the businesses cases for each project. We also got to know all stakeholder groups and discovered some key problem areas which would require a central function such as a PMO. One of the quick wins implemented was a change request management system which bridged the M&A programme and the digital transformation programme.


A programme management office was setup by our team to focus on change and contract management due to the high volume and agility required during the programme. When leading this setup, the programme had a delay forecast of another year. With a highly efficient PMO, standardised processes, reporting and governance, and a change management system, we took that forecast and turned it in to a 3 month delay rather than 12 months, saving 1.2million GBP.

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