Portfolio management


Introducing portfolio management in a scaling education business, who are looking to change how we educate around the world.




1-10 people


50,000 GBP




A start-up with several themes and product lines was working on developing the business in a lean-agile structure. However, it was soon apparent that the number of projects in different business areas was getting difficult to manage as well competing priorities. Also, it wasn’t always the case that there would be so many projects ongoing at once. Projects couldn’t always be given priority, and a lack of holistic visibility made managing difficult.


We started by really getting to know the business inside and out, and the types of projects which are delivered under the businesses start-up strategy. We went through each theme of project and the priority for delivery, as well as analysing the cost benefit analysis of each project to ensure the business case was justified. We then mapped out each project, grouping by priority and theme to understand the portfolio landscape.


Once the portfolio had been mapped, we integrated Jira as a tool to manage the portfolio while using components of SAFe®. The aim was to be able to scale the portfolio structure depending on the number of projects active at once. Jira was used to manage the portfolio through specific governance and sprint planning. The result was that the bootstrapped start-up was able to focus on delivering its key strategy and continue on the path to launch.

You can find out more about OpozO here

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